Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Parallel Realities

It's currently 2:38 AM.

I tried to lucid dream tonight. But not really. I mean, I didn't throw myself entirely into it because... well because it scares the hell out of me. Lucid dreaming is where you make yourself dream, while being entirely aware that you are dreaming. There's a whole process you have to go through to get to it. This basically means that you keep yourself conscious as you fall into a dream. And so, you are able to control what happens in your own dream. You can do anything. Anything can happen to you. You have full control... or do you. Something inside me says "What the fuck are you doing, don't you dare screw around with this shit." Supposedly you can tell if you're lucid dreaming by looking in the mirror and not seeing your reflection, or switching on light switches without any light levels changing, or looking down and noticing that you have 596869 toes. Those are lucid dream signals that occur in every lucid dream. It sounds like a horror movie.

That's what scares me. Anything could happen. How do I know if I wake up? What if I don't wake up. What happens to the real world if I stay in this parallel reality forever. I wouldn't even know...

I don't think I fully understand the size of this idea... that one can experience anything they can fucking imagine as if they were awake, as if it was really happening. Makes me wonder why they haven't built a machine that permanently sticks you in create-your-own-reality mode. Why does this terrify me?

It's currently 2:57 AM.

PS: Fun fact. If you squeeze your left thumb in your left fist as hard as you can for 4 seconds, your gag reflex shuts off. Try it. Go ahead. Now stick your index finger down your throat. It's amazing.

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