Saturday, February 20, 2010

Well this is a Short One.

Sooooo I was just writing a Facebook note like... 2 seconds ago - something like that. A Facebook note is when some guy writes a bunch of questions down on a word document type thingy and people copy and paste it and answer the questions. For bored people. You know. Anyway while I was filling this stupid thing out I noticed that these people, the ones who write the notes, try to squish someone's identity into 50-odd questions. And I don't think that's how it works. I don't think you can judge someone and learn about who they are by reading a note about if they prefer Coke or Pepsi, or what they got for their last birthday. It kinda seems like that's what they're trying to do. I dunno, just thinking about stuff.

I go to a public High school. In public high school they do this thing where you have no school for one week in February... called February Break. Tomorrow is the last day of February Break. I have done absolutely nothing. Not one thing. And I don't mean nothing productive. I mean nothing. I haven't hung out with friends, I haven't gone to the movies with people, I haven't slept over anybody's house or had someone sleep over mine. I am thoroughly pissed about this. I've watched a lot of movies. That's the extent of my break. This situation just seems like a concentrated model of my life. I feel like I'm waiting for something to happen to me, and for some reason I can't go out and get things done for myself. Meh. I'm sad.

In other depressingly uneventful news... I have started Catcher in the Rye and so far... not impressed. I mean, I can understand where people see its meaningfulness and such... I guess I'll just have to power through the slow beginning.

That's all for now kids.

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