Monday, February 8, 2010

The Vast Self-Importance of Humans

I am pissed off, pissed off I tell you! The world's gonna keep on a-turnin' (pay attention, now), but it don't change the fact that I am PEEVED to the highest degree.

The reason for my peevity... sure that can be a word... today is the arrogance and self-importance of the human race. Lemme start off with a question. How old is the Earth. 7th grade science class dictates that the world is a little over 4 billion years old. Now, how old is the human race? 100,000 years, maybe 200,000 years old?

Did you know that 90% of all of the organisms that EVER lived on Earth are extinct? Now, assuming the extinction of organisms is evenly spanned out over time, it would be logical that humans are NOT responsible for MOST of the dead organisms no longer living on the Earth. So WHYYYYY why why why why why do we feel responsible for all of the organisms on Earth NOWWWW?!?!?!

It is NOT the fault of Americans or the Chinese or the Russians or humans in general that the polar bear will be no more in a couple 100 years. It is NOT the responsibility of humans to anchor this organism on this Earth indefinitely. George Carlin was completely and utterly correct when he said to LEAVE NATURE ALONE.

No more is it the responsibility of humans to "take care" of the planet. I put those two words in quotes because as if it is POSSIBLE for humans to look after this little blue and green ball swirling around in space. As if it is POSSIBLE for the Earth to end if humans dissapear for a couple days. The Earth has been around for 4 BILLION FRIGGEN YEARS. it has undergone world wide floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, TWO ice ages, plus dozens of other stuff. And we think... a couple of plastic bags? A few water bottles on the ground of the park? Humans aren't gonna stop the Earth in its tracks! That's a hoot! The Earth isn't going anywhere! WE ARE.

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