Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Who the Hell Wears Nike Airs with a Dress...

I have a really lost and confused look on my face as I hit that looming blue "New Post" button. I honestly don't have anything to say... This has been somewhat of a problem in this stage of my life. And so I reveal to you... all 0 of my followers... another one of my random epiphanies. One of my serendipitous realizations about my life that is usually kind of negative. This one is about my social relationships and what I wish I could change about them. Lyric class, for example. My pro-lyric class is filled with about 8 juniors and 2 freshman, only one of which I talk to. These girls friggen RULE the class. I want to be included, but I'm THAT kid. Ya know, the silent one on the edge who says something maybe every 20 minutes. BAH life ain't fair.

So often I find myself searching for something to say to fill the awkward silences. I even eavesdrop on conversations in Main Hall sometimes in an attempt to master the art of casual chitchat. Maybe I'm thinking about it too much. I have never been the quiet girl, but I am realizing that if I don't get my small-talking act together, I'll get there.

Dreaded Grade Update time! Okay guys... don't panic. But report cards come out TOMORROW. Oh shit. Tomorrow. What the HELL am I gonna do. I've kind of mapped out the whole parents explaining thing in my head. I figure I'll just give it to 'em straight.

"Dad, I want you to know that I'm taking ownership of this, it's my responsibility and it will get better. I start out fresh with an A+ at the beginning of this term and I am doing everything in my power to keep it at that level." Sound like BS? Yeah. That's cause it is.

ANYWAY, that's about it. Kay bye.

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