Closing time. Makes your heart ache don't it. You know what I dislike? When people make the argument that end should be happy.
No. They shouldn't.
Pretending to be la dee dah while your heart breaks (and may I remind you that is does NOT break even)is a lie to both ourselves and whoever, or whatever, we are saying goodbye to. LET'S BE REAL, PEOPLE. You're hurtin'. To feign happiness and joy is dishonesty. Love your feelings, learn to bring them into the light, where you can be proud of them. Bottling up your emotions that have to, long to come out, is dangerous and unhealthy, as we have all learned in 8th grade P.E. Don't deny it. You'll explode.
Anyway... I use that word way too much. Anyway, I was thinking about closing time as freshman year comes to an end. Dude. Changes. A lot of them. Like, I can't even begin to describe this shiz. It's just been a boatload of self-discovery, and discovery of other people too. It's all been good though. Someone once told me that no experience is ever wasted. Everything can be learned from. That's how i view this year.
No regrets, of course. Sometimes I just wish people would stay with me. Change is bad, I've decided but only when you're wishing it'll never come.
Before the year started, I cried. I actually bawled my eyes out for the end. The end of childhood, of grinning, of running around the playground, of pointing fingers and unwrapping white plastic lunch straws, of playing with blocks and having them knocked down. It's inevitable. Get used to it or get out of the way. Survival of the fittest, life's unfair, the whole nine yards. You learn, you adapt, or you perish.
You despise it, or you tolerate it and get along. This is life. This is us.
Pick up your blocks.
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